Owusu Sampson and Abdul-Malik Saiid win MaTH-Challenge Inaugural Prizes in Applications of Mathematics

Sampson Owusu (BSc. Mathematics, Year 3) and Abdul Malik Saiid (BSc. Mathematics, Year 4) have been awarded part of the MaTH-Challenge Prize in Applications of Mathematics for their separate impressive attempts at solving the problems posed last week. They were two of three students to turn in proposed solutions to the problem. (The third person had not been successful in the proposed solution he offered.)
Sampson Owusu attempted the first problem (Problem 3A) in Applications of Mathematics to Solitary Wave Motion. His attempt was steeped in both theory and research, and he demonstrated remarkable understanding of the solution he provided. While, ultimately, the solution was not technically rigorous in certain parts and missed a few cases that required separate treatments, his solution was essentially the right one (even though his final result had been affected by minor, albeit pardonable, typographical errors). His oral presentation revealed a remarkable demonstration of considerable effort spent in researching, comprehending, and internalising the proof idea on which he devised his proposed solution. He has been awarded GHC 450 for his exceptional attempt.
Abdul-Malik attempted both problems once again (as he did for the MaTH-Challenge Prize Problems in Pure Mathematics). While his attempt at Problem 3B was unsuccessful, his attempt at Problem 3A started off on the right approach. Once again, in another impressive attempt to dig deep via his acquired knowledge, he sought to reduce the problem to a simpler one, which was, however, hampered by a major oversight. (Perhaps, had he been able to discover the appropriate step, he could have had a good shot at the problem). He has been awarded a total of GHC 50 for his observation of the right idea (despite the immediately unsuccessful approach he followed) and for his noteworthy determination in attempting both problems.